Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mom It Forward Contest

Mom It Forward, Giveaway, Contest
For the Mom It Forward Contest to win the HP All-in-one Printer I want to tell you a little about my daughter. Tapanga is 11 years old and has a heart of gold. Her helpful attitude probably started at around age five when she saw the commercial on TV telling everyone to collect the pink yogurt labels to help Breast Cancer Awareness. She would wash the labels and keep them in a ziplock bag for me to mail in. It all stemmed from there... Once starting school she began taking part in annual jump rope for heart and tries to raise funds for just about every charity she is introduced to. Below are a few photos from this past year of her giving back to the community, helping others and just being herself.

Camp El Tesoro, Camp cleanup, TapangaTapanga working at Camp El Tesoro at clean-up day to prepare for summer
Tapanga, community service, painting finger nailsTapanga painting little girls finger nails at a local community awareness event
Locks of Love, ten inches, TapangaHaving ten inches removed to donate to Locks of Love.
Cook Children's Hospital, computer room, TapangaTapanga sitting in the computer room at the hospital w/ her sister
clown, Tapanga, dressed up, Cook Children's HospitalDressed up like a clown at the children's hospital, just to make someone smile

{Letter written in her words about her vision for the printer}
hand written letter, Tapanga, Mom It Forward


Unknown said...

What a great heart your daughter has! You must be SO proud!

Anonymous said...

This is just too sweet! Kids have the biggest hearts.

I hope she wins this printer to give to the hospital!

Unknown said...

Gotta love the hearts of children!! So pure and innocent!

Anonymous said...

It's not surprising knowing how loving and giving and thoughtful her mother is. I know you are so proud of her, and I'm so proud to know you.

MomItForward said...

Ditto Janine! I agree, big hearted moms create big hearted kids huh! Cheers!

*Tanyetta* said...

so sweet! i hope you win :)

Kristin said...

OMG she has to win one!

Meredith said...

Awww! Who could say no to that giving spirit?

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

That is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Like mother like daughter, I am sure she got her big heart and giving ways from you. I hope she wins!

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