Saturday, September 6, 2008

School Promotes Glogster

T comes home from school today all excited about this new site her librarian tells the fifth grade class all about. I do not allow her on MySpace so when her librarian is telling the class how she found a site that is perfect for children and so neat to create their own page, well let's just say T was sold! The librarian even tells the kids how she doesn't allow her own children to have a MySpace page but allows them to use Glogster b/c it is aimed towards children. HA HA!! At first I had never heard of Glogster, so of course when she came home I said I had to research it to decide if she was allowed to create an account. T brought home a paper that was printed out with Quick Guide Online Resources listing links and such from school today and one of the links is the schools Glogster page where they can read books and go online to take the tests. They even use this website while at school in the library. So with all this info, the paper promoting it, T telling me all she heard and finally the initial opening of the web site was... okay for the moment. Until of course I started browsing around and found trashy non-appropriate glogs for my 11 year old to view. I am in total shock! I can't believe the elementary school is promoting this. On top of that now all of T's friends were going to go home to create a site and all of them planned to network together over the weekend. Mom, once again, is the bad guy in all of this b/c I am the one who had no choice but say no. So let's link share for a moment...
The school's link for their Glog: Click Here
To view Glogster's main initial web page: Click Here
Now whatever you do, don't accidentally type in glogspot dot com b/c let's just say you will NOT end up at the right location, lol
Now here are a few glogs that I was able to browse around through within a few seconds...
Sex Education ~ All youngsters need to know this, right?!...
Not Intended for Eyes Under 18 ~ I mean come on!

Now that is just two, RIGHT AWAY that were found. Now remember... A piece of paper came home promoting this web site from my 11 year old daughter's school. Her fifth grade peers all get on this web site while at school. I just can't believe it. Yes, of course there are some really cute, innocent ones out there but is that enough? Not for me. I have decided to add a poll out there and would love for everyone to answer it. The poll is to help give me some insight as to how other parents feel about this topic. Some questions to think on....
1. Do you allow your children to get on MySpace, Glogster or other networking websites? What age is old enough?
2. Is telling your children not to look at bad things, enough but still allowing the access to be there?
3. Would you say it was okay to have their own site as long as it was kept appropriate and just tell them to not look at inappropriate things?
I would love honest comments. I know I can't control what everyone puts on the internet but I can control where my daughter goes. Or I guess I should say I will try my hardest to control where she goes. Just wonder when is the right time to trust her to make good decisions on her own. I think for now we will stick with Webkinz World, Toon Town and other Disney sites. LOL I am sure I would keep her young for ever but either way 11 is just not old enough for me.

I think all of us wahm and/or sahm should get together and create a Kid ONLY networking website for children to be safe on. Literally delete every profile or page that has one inappropriate thing (language, photo, etc.). It is so sad that kids can't do something fun/innocent without other people ruining it. If you know of a place like this, please send me the link.


Michelle W said...

Thanks for stopping by Mommy Confessions. I can't tell you how many times I have had the same thought. I am not farmiliar with Glogster yet, but I am going to check it out. Thanks.

Evie said...

Yet another reason to add to my list for homeschooling...
As parents we need to understand that the people we leave in charge of our kids all day do NOT have our same beliefs and convictions. We could even share the same religion and feel very differently about these matters. Schools are known for their liberal slant, even those with "good" teachers. I'm sorry this has happened to you. It will happen again. I don't think you need a poll to tell you that you need to go to the school and say something about this. Follow your convictions!

Mrs4444 said...

I think your decision is a wise one. Isn't it a shame that younger kids cannot tap into the potential of the Internet the way older kids can? I've run into similar problem with my students, but we do use to write blogs. (So far, so good.) My kids have had My Space accounts since they were 13. However, I also have computer monitoring software that they are aware of (and I use it fairly regularly to see what they're up to.) I think a lot depends on the kids; some can handle MySpace, and some cannot.

I'm certain your kids' teacher just doesn't realize what's there; you should tell them :)


Unknown said...

Glad I homeschool. No I do not let my young children on myspace. My older children are there. I guess they were about 15, 18 and 20 when they joined. However, our computer is community property & located centrally in our home; they have strong spiritual morals (not that my kids aren't fallible); and I'm on their friend's lists.

My kids aren't there to talk to strangers or anything like that anyway. It really is just their local friends that are linked up to them.

Unknown said...

By the way--found you through mompacks. Beautiful blog!

Glogster said...

Hi DJane

Glogster here – we saw this post voicing your concerns over your daughters use of Glogster for school projects and thought we would be able to share some helpful information with you. The same tools that allow Glogster users to express themselves also provide educators with a great opportunity to provide their students with interactive tools for projects. In order to help schools, educators and parents leverage these opportunities further; Glogster will be launching an education version of Glogster. This special section of the site will be launching soon and will have many new capabilities, including the ability to keep students separated from the social network part on Glogster. We will continuously work to perfect use in this new education segment.

If you would like, we can keep you updated on the education version of Glogster. I hope this information helps you and your readers and that the new education version will afford your daughter the opportunity to use Glogster for school in a manner you feel is appropriate.

Kind regards,

Mrs4444 said...

Wow! A new blogger and alredy attracting controversy; very impressive! heehee ARe they still using Glogster??

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

I am so glad you found my blog; so much so that I have made you my new follower recipient of the BFF Gold Card Award! Come on over to my blog to pick it up!

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